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Are You Ready to Master Motorcycle Cornering? Discover the Secrets!


Cornering is often considered the epitome of motorcycle riding skills. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a novice, mastering the art of cornering can enhance not only your safety but also your overall riding experience. In this blog post, we will explore the key techniques and tips that will help you improve your riding skills, especially when navigating those thrilling and sometimes challenging curves on the road.

  1. The Basics of Cornering

Before delving into advanced techniques, it’s crucial to understand the fundamental principles of cornering:

  • Look Where You Want to Go: Your motorcycle tends to go in the direction your eyes are focused. This means you should always look through the turn, focusing on where you want to end up rather than at the ground or directly in front of your tire.
  • Smooth Throttle Control: To maintain traction, it’s important to modulate the throttle smoothly during the corner. Roll on the throttle gently as you exit the turn, but avoid abrupt or sudden movements.
  • Countersteering: At higher speeds, countersteering is your best friend. Push the handlebars gently in the opposite direction of the turn to initiate it. As you lean into the corner, you’ll gradually adjust your input to maintain the desired path.
  1. Body Positioning

Body positioning plays a crucial role in mastering cornering. Here are some tips to improve your posture while navigating curves:

  • Lean with the Bike: Your body should follow the motorcycle’s lean angle. Shift your weight to the inside of the turn to maintain balance and control. This helps keep your center of gravity low and stable.
  • Maintain a Relaxed Grip: A death grip on the handlebars can hinder your ability to control the bike. Keep a light grip to allow the bike to move freely beneath you.
  • Hang Off the Bike: In more aggressive turns, it can be beneficial to hang off the bike, also known as “hanging a knee.” This technique shifts your body weight to the inside of the turn, allowing you to lean the bike further while keeping the tires planted.
  1. Entry, Apex, and Exit

Every corner can be broken down into three phases: entry, apex, and exit. Understanding these phases can help you take control of the curve:

  • Entry: Approach the turn from the outside and gradually reduce your speed while maintaining a steady throttle. Look through the turn to your desired exit point.
  • Apex: The apex is the point at which you are closest to the inside of the corner. It’s essential to hit the apex at the right time to maximize your cornering efficiency. Adjust your body position and throttle as needed to hit it smoothly.
  • Exit: As you pass the apex, gradually roll on the throttle while increasing your lean angle to ensure a smooth exit from the turn.
  1. Practice Makes Perfect

Improving your cornering skills requires practice. Find a safe and empty parking lot or a quiet road to practice your cornering techniques (Even better, participate in a track day!). Gradually increase your speed and lean angle as you become more comfortable with the basics. Remember, it’s a learning process, so be patient with yourself and seek feedback from experienced riders if possible.

  1. Safety First

Always prioritize safety while perfecting your cornering skills. Here are some additional safety tips:

  • Be Mindful of Road Conditions: Wet or gravel-covered roads can drastically reduce traction, so adjust your speed and lean angle accordingly.
  • Brake Before the Turn: It’s safer to slow down before entering a turn rather than trying to brake mid-corner.
  • Wear Proper Safety Gear: Always wear protective gear, including a helmet, gloves, armored jacket + pants, and boots.


Mastering the art of cornering is a journey that enhances your overall riding experience and safety. By understanding the fundamental principles, improving your body positioning, and practicing regularly, you can confidently tackle curves and corners. Remember, safety should always be your top priority, and with dedication and practice, you can become a skilled and confident motorcycle rider. So, get out there and embrace the thrill of cornering on your sport bike!

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